Learn or not: This is the eternal question

Learn or not: This is the eternal question

lunes, 23 de febrero de 2015

"No me gusta que a los mitines lleves la minifalda" (Alternative version of Mr. Escobar's song)

Do not go with mini skirts to political meetings....
I added some vocabulary that I think you may find interesting. As some students asked me to include colloquial and rude words, I wrote them too. Good luck!
Politician: político
Politics: política
Socialist: socialista
socialism: socialismo
Meeting/Rally: mítin
dark-haired: de pelo negro oscuro
Camisa: Shirt
Azul: Blue
Chaqueta: Jacket
Pantalones: Trousers
Traje: Suit
Atril: lectern
Emblema: emblem
Erección: erection
Pensamientos: thoughts
Pensar: Think
Mansturbación: mansturbation, handjob (coloquial pero más utilizado)
Sexo: Sex (Coloquial, follar: fuck)
Sexual: sexual
Felación: Blowjob
Eyacular: ejaculate to jerk off (coloquial) 
Esperma: Sperm

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