Learn or not: This is the eternal question

Learn or not: This is the eternal question

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2015

Aren't cats adorable but funny animals? What do you think?

Please: Notice you have subtitles!

Vocabulary you may need:
Cat: Gato
Kitten: Cachorro de gato
adult: adulto
domestic crosbreed: un animal salvaje que ha pasado a ser doméstico
manage: arreglárselas
sniff (to):olisqueando
confident: seguro de si mismo
intruder: intruso
take his eyes off him: No quitarle la vista de encima
barely: apenas
to be bothered: estar preocupado
To face: dar la cara
face to face: Cara a cara
worried/unworried: preocupado/despreocupado
to hiss:silbar/en este caso: bufido
to growl:gruñir o refunfuñar
slippery floors: suelos resbaladizos
to meaow: maullar
harm: daño
pay attention: prestar atención
tiny: muy poquito
To wonder: preguntarse
grizzly:(viene de grizzle: gimotear)
to maintain: mantener

Don't lose the end! 

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