Sinusitis refers to inflammation of the membrane covering the bone cavities that communicate with the nose. Still often a common cold, flu, or other general infections.
There are different types of sinusitis as acute which is the inflammation of the membrane that connects the nose and chronic which is due to a badly healed and the hot and dry atmosphere acute sinusitis, irritating gases and defenses deficiency organic nutrition.
Symptoms include stuffy nose, sore nose and face, including pain in the teeth and the teeth of the upper jaw. Sometimes also it causes
Remedy for sinusitis 1 Develop a poultice of verbena which has a great decongestant power for those who suffer from sinusitis. The ingredients of this poultice is 2 tablespoons dried verbena, a drizzle of olive oil and 2 egg whites.
Verbena is placed inthe pan and when it begins to release odor, you add the oil and beaten egg whites. The resulting emulsion is the one put on gauze, carefully because it is very liquid. This is applied to the sinuses and cheekbones and allowed to stand for 10 minutes to act.
Remedy for sinusitis 2 Using the solution of salt, oil and lavender oil to combat mucus caused by sinusitis and rhinitis. For this 2 tablespoons water, 1 pinch of sea salt, 3 drops of olive oil and 3 drops of lavender oil is required.
All ingredients should be mixed and put into the fire. As it boils, it is removed and dejareposar until cool. Then applied 2 or 3 drops into the nostrils, two or three times daily.
Remedy for sinusitis 3: Inhaling steam salted water for five minutes every hour.
Remedy for sinusitis 4: Eat muchosajos in food.
Remedy for sinusitis 5: Chewing a piece of honeycomb. Follow chomping at least 10 minutes later although it has lost its know
Remedy for sinusitis 6 Comer zanahoria.cruda or juice as its content in carotene, it strengthens the mucous membranes and increases the defenses.
Remedy for sinusitis 7 .Hacer inhalation of vapors of essential oil of pine.
Remedy for sinusitis 8 Boil for 5 minutes, one tablespoon of dried thyme in a saucepan with 1 liter of water. Remove from heat and add lemon juice. Then inhale the steam. Cover with a towel to avoid wasting steam.
Remedy for sinusitis 9: Inhale steam which will be added a few drops of essential oil of eucalyptus.
Remedy for sinusitis 10: Press the points located on each side of the base of the neck or pressure in the palm point at 1.5 inches from the edge of the hand between the index finger and thumb. (Remedy deacupresión)
Remedy for sinusitis 11 Using seawater only (without the other elements described in the previous remedy) nasal sinusitis to clear it. This can be purchased at pharmacies botanical, but also can be made at home with a glass of warm water and a tablespoon of sea salt. This is diluted in a bucket with hot water then when cooled, is applied with a dropper two or three drops in the nose sucking hard. This process should be applied twice daily
Remedy for sinusitis 12: Rub irritated sinuses to carry a supply of fresh blood to the area and thereby get relief.
Remedy for sinusitis 13: Apply lemon drops in the nostrils, to getting in and out
Remedy for sinusitis 14: Eat daily radishes in salads or juices.
Remedy for sinusitis 15: Mix 60 ml of oil and 10 Goas Almenda lavender Soak a cotton ball with this preparation and smell it. Then put pressure on the pómulas with fingertips from the nose to the temples.
Remedy for sinusitis 16: Place 3 drops of essential oil of rosemary and eucalyptus in a bowl of boiling water. Inhaling vapors 5-10 minutes, with your eyes closed.
Remedy for sinusitis 17: Pour two drops of essential oil of oregano 1 tablespoon almond oil. Pour this preparation into hands and rub. Then perform sinus hands gently massage in a circular
Remedy for sinusitis 18: Pour in 1 bowl of boiling water 2 tablespoons thyme, 2 liverwort, 1 of eucalyptus, rosemary 1 and 1 lavender. Approach the bowl and inhale the steam. Place a towel over his head in store to not waste steam
Remedy for sinusitis 19: Put 1 slice of ginger and 1 sheet of eucalyptus in a pan containing 2 cups of water, then boil for 5 minutes. After this time, remove from heat, strain and add the juice of one lemon and 2 tablespoons miel.Tomar this preparation immediately.
Remedy for sinusitis 20: Fill a bucket where you can dip your feet in hot water, but do not burn. Enter your feet and put an ice pack on the front and one in the neck. Sit on a chair or couch is comfortable. When the water has cooled bucket, refill of hot water. This remedy is ideal when you have discomfort or pain in the forehead due to sinusitis. It is advisable that when the water in the bucket to cool, someone else take care of filling so that it can continue relaxing
Remedy for sinusitis 21: Boil for 10 minutes, 1 liter of water containing 6 tablespoons coltsfoot leaves. Remove and place in a bowl. Place a towel over his head and trying to breathe the vapors without bringing too steamed face
Remedy for sinusitis 22: Mix 2 tablespoons of fenugreek powder with a little water until a smooth paste is obtained. Heat in a saucepan over low heat, let cool slightly and apply directly on the sinus. Leave it on the poultice until it has cooled completely, stretched position. Take 3 times a day
Remedy for sinusitis 23: Boil a liter of water 10 grams of a plant native to Mexico and Central America grass called skunk, whose scientific name is Petiveria Alliacea, for 10 minutes. Allow the affected person inhale the steam coming out of the container where the infusion is. Making this choice preferably at night so that the person stays in the room and sleep
Remedy for sinusitis 24: Make a decoction of 1 large onion in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool just slightly. Place a towel over his head like a tent and breathe the vapor of this preparation. Perform this remedy for 15 minutes
Remedy for sinusitis 25: Input 2 drops of aloe juice or aloe vera in the nose, all noches..Para it can use a cotton stick
Remedy for sinusitis 26: Boil 1 tablespoon leaves or buds of spruce and eucalyptus leaves another in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes. Then remove from heat and cover your head with a towel, for shop, and inspire the vapor given off by this preparation
Remedy for sinusitis 27: Pour 10 drops of eucalyptus oil, 5 drops of peppermint oil, 10 drops of lavender oil, 3 drops of oil and 5 drops of evergreen cedar oil in a small glass bottle with lid closed tight. Place the bottle upside down several times to mix the ingredients. Breathing this preparation directly from the bottle, as needed.
Remedy for sinusitis 28: Pour 950 milliliters of water is boiling in a glass bowl with a capacity of two liters and disperse, then 1 drop of ginger oil, 2 drops of eucalyptus oil, 1 drop thyme oil 2 drops of tea tree oil. Tilt your head over the bowl. If possible, put a towel over her head and bowl in order to trap the steam. Breathing this preparation of 5-10 minutes. Repeat this remedy as needed
Remedy for sinusitis 29: Leave 60 g of flowering tops of horehound macerated in 1 liter of white wine (Jerez) for a week and pour the wine. Drink two cups a day after meals.
Remedy for sinusitis 30: Wash and halve a tomato and place in a blender, along with a clove of minced garlic and 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice and blend for a few minutes. Take this juice twice a day.

Remedy for sinusitis 31: Rub vigorously three or four times a day for five minutes eyebrows. Dip your fingers in a little alcohol camphor or water to which you add a pinch of black pepper and always rubbing in the same direction, going from the root of the nose to the tip of the eyebrows, which pinch vigorously.
Avoid strong perfumes, cigarette smell or walking in heavily polluted avenues as they may worsen sinusitis
Drink plenty of fluid daily in order to help the mucus to flow more easily.
Avoid frequent use of drugs anticongestionantes as drops, as they can, with time, further inflamed sinus causing chronic sinusitis.
Examine your teeth regularly, because any infection in the mouth can easily spread to the sinuses.
Seek medical care if you notice that, despite the efforts made, sinusitis not relieved, because it can develop into other types of ailments like ear infections or abscesses.
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